Attractions / Activities


TrakošćanCastle/Museum, lake, Forest Park
Mountains – Ravna gora, Ivanščica, Strahinjšćica
VaraždinMuseums, Old Town
KrapinaKrapina Neanderthal Museum, Hušnjakovo
Lepoglavathe Paulines monastery, Ivan Ranger’s frescoes, lace
Bednjatombs of the Drašković family
Vinicabeautiful gardens and the forest park Arboretum Opeka
Castles of Croatian Zagorje



Walks (a footpath around the lake Trakošćan – 2.4 km length)
Hiking (nearby mountains: Ravna gora, Ivanšćica, Strahinšćica)
Biking, jogging
Paragliding (Ravna gora)



31.1. – The long night of the Museums – Trakošćan Castle
Street-art Festival “Špancirfest” – Varaždin
“Labor Day” fest – Trakošćan
“Varaždin Baroque Evenings” – Varaždin, Trakošćan
Ethno Music Festival “Cvetlin” – Cvetlin, Trakošćan
International Festival of Lace – Lepoglava
“Festival of Kajkavian Song” – Krapina


Practical information:

Where to eat – Hotel Trakošćan / Bistro Trakošćan / The terrace on the lake
Souvenirs / postcards / stamps / daily tickets for fishing / ice cream – the souvenir shop at the foot of the castle
Wellness / pool – Hotel Trakošćan
The nearest supermarkets – Bednja – 5km
Shopping – WestGate Shopping City (60km), Roses Fashion Outlet Sv. Križ Začretje (30km)
More information: Tourist board Trakošćan – Bednja

Praktične informacije

Our suggestions:

For all the latest information, please contact “Bednja – Trakošćan Tourist Board”: